About Us

Better Your Lab

During the last 30 years, SCINCO has developed unique technology and knowledge of analytical instruments.

SCINCO has 4 key competencies as an instrument company.

  • Analytical
    Instrument Sales
    "Local Market Leader"
    →One of the largest, skilled analytical instrument companies in Korea
  • Strategic
    "Business Network"
    →Partnerships: Distributing instruments from global leaders →Database: use own customer database when distribute instruments
  • Analytical
    Instrument R&D
    "In-house Technology"
    →Technology of UV-Vis, florescence, colorimeter and other in-house Instruments
  • Analytical Instrument
    "In-house Manufacturing Infrastructure"
    →Manufacturing thousands of instruments annually


The History of SCientific INstrument COmpany

From the beginning, the goal of SCINCO was contribute to develop science by helping scientists get better results.

  Founded in 1990, SCINCO took the plunge into the high-tech analytical instruments manufacture field as the wasteland in the country for those day and now we positioned as a company to be a help the development of domestic science. We are the best analytical instruments professional company in domestic by providing with start PDA UV-Vis Spectrophotometer developed and launched in 1994, Color Spectrophotometer, Fluorescence Spectrometer, Thermal Analyzer and the recently released and other analytical instruments including Double Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.

Quality Certification

SCINCO has been making efforts continuously for improvement the quality and development of technologies

Under company management philosophies such as the world’s best products, superior customer support, excellent human resources and continuous development of new technology, we, keep listening to the customer’s opinion and we promise that always meet you a better way to be an analytical instrument company.


SCINCO has own R&D and manufacturing facilities in Korea.

The R&D center is located in Daedeok research complex in the Mecca of high-tech in May of 2005. We are going to grow with customers by providing helpful analysis instruments and services to domestic and international customers through continuous research and investment on the development of core technology.

In the overseas markets, we established and operated offices in China, and Taiwan and succeeded in laying the groundwork firmly. We have global capability to be a global leader in the analytical instruments field by exporting products of SCINCO brand to South-East Asia, India, Europe, etc, and more than 60 countries around the world.